
Community Foundation’s Urgent Needs Fund has now awarded over $150K

ALPENA — With a recent grant of more than $10,410, the Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan Urgent Needs Fund has now put over $150,000 into the hands of local nonprofits to support needs that surfaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact.

Sunrise Mission, Inc. received the grant to purchase new appliances and furnishings for its homeless shelter. Since March of 2020 the shelter has seen a significant increase in the number of people needing their facilities, which has led to an increase in the use and wear-and-tear of everyday items and home necessities. Sunrise Mission is in Alpena and serves a broad area of Northeast Michigan.

“Most of the Urgent Needs Fund grants, were awarded in 2020, but additional gifts and investment income have allowed for additional grants to be available,” said CFNEM Executive Director Patrick Heraghty. “That’s a great thing because the need didn’t end with the new year. Many nonprofits are encountering additional expenses because of the pandemic.”

In addition to the grant to Sunrise Mission, another $18,000 was granted from the Urgent Needs Fund so far in 2021. Those grants included emergency services expenses for FISH, Inc. in Iosco County; support for foster care family expenses through Ana’s Treasures in Ogemaw County; food, rent and utility assistance through Church of the Straits Food Pantry in Cheboygan County; an emergency food pantry through Grace Lutheran Church; and assistance for families with immediate needs identified through the C.O.O.R. Intermediate School District.

“Because of the generous donations received, the Foundation still has some funding available for any Urgent Needs Fund requests from our local nonprofits that are specific to hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Heraghty added. “Grants may be for projects that get food on the table, keep people in their homes, or provide for basic needs; or for needs like personal protection equipment still needed for facilities to fulfill their missions safely for all, protecting their workers and those they serve. Any need of a nonprofit that can be directly attributed to the pandemic is eligible for these grants.”

Nonprofits interested in applying for Urgent Needs funding or with questions about these grants can contact Christine Hitch at chitch@cfnem.org, and can view guidelines at cfnem.org. A full list of grants awarded since April 2020 can be found on the Foundation’s website as well.

To donate or learn more about how community foundations work, visit cfnem.org or call 989-354-6881.


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